N.C. Department of Correction--Correction News--June 1997

Western Training Consortium

A class of correction maintenance employees began a 190-hour electronics training program, the latest effort of the Western Training Consortium.

Two classes each with eight employees began May 6 and will meet for 2.5 hours each week. The program will cover industrial electricity, industrial electronics and electronics process control.

The program is offered by Western Piedmont Community College's continuing education department and its sponsored by the N.C. Department of Labor.

The Western Training consortium is made up of Foothills Correctional Institution, Western Youth Institution, Marion Correctional Institution and IMPACT West. The consortium provides in-service and officer refresher training about 40 weeks a year in conjunction with Western Piedmont Community College. This allows the institutions to send 8-10 employees and IMPACT to send one or two employees to each training class.

The Consortium Advisory Board consists of the Institution Superintendents, Administrative Officers and the Dean for Continuing Education at Western Piedmont Community College. The consortium, Division of Prisons and community college judge the one-year old training program to be extremely successful.

NC DOC Correction News- June 1997
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