N.C. Department of Correction--Correction News--August 1998

DAPP changes to DCC

On July 1, the Division of Adult Probation and Parole, changed its name to the Division of Community Corrections to embrace its merger with the IMPACT program and the Criminal Justice Partnership Program.

Under Director Robert Guy, probation staff will continue to forge new partnerships with communities and provide officers the tools and flexibility that will allow them to control probationers.

"Structured Sentencing and the division’s community correction strategy are steps that have been taken to aggressively overhaul a criminal justice system that was in crisis in the 80s and early 90s," Guy said. "To improve our ability to protect society as sworn officers of the court, we will strive to provide an equal balance of control and treatment of offenders."

Through the Community Policing and Violent Crimes Fugitive Task Force, Community Corrections will provide division manpower and offender records information to law enforcement, helping to forge new relationships. By assigning officers to specialized caseloads such as youths still in schools, domestic violence offenders and sex offenders, officers will be better able to control these offenders and work with the teams of education, criminal justice and mental health professionals to better manage the offender.

Through the Criminal Justice Partnership program, the division will build important relationships with communities and help create the services such as day reporting centers and substance abuse treatment programs that best respond to the community’s needs. u

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