N.C. Department of Correction--Correction News--August 1998

Purchasing given two big boosts

Raleigh — The Correction Purchasing office is improving the way it does business. Now, correction managers waiting for large purchase items won't have nearly as long to wait, and vendors will be able to place bids through the purchasing department's new World Wide Web page.

DOC Purchasing Director Larry Rhodes

In May, the State Purchasing and Contract division approved an increase in the Department of Correction's purchasing limit from $10,000 to $25,000.

"This means correction managers who need to purchase big-ticket items such as computers, raw materials or building materials, won't have to wait for approval from State Purchase and Contract," DOC Purchasing Director Larry Rhodes said. "We were the first to ask for the increase and the first to get it based in part on the volume of products needed for new prisons and expanded probation and parole offices."

Correction Secretary Mack Jarvis said, "This is a sign of the trust State Purchasing has in the job being done by Larry Rhodes, Ed Daughtry and their staff. They well deserve this boost."

Also, the correction purchasing office has made the vendor bidding process a lot less of a hassle. Thanks to a new web page, http://www.ips.state.nc.us/ips/deptbids.asp, vendors from around the world can bid on 45 different categories, from frozen eggs to fire alarm systems.

DOC was the first state agency to put the products and services that employees use on the internet so suppliers can offer the most competitive prices.

"This gives everyone a chance to bid on the department's needs, enhancing competition among vendors," Rhodes said. "Vendors will have access to the bid list and won't have to contact the purchasing office to be added or make changes. The web has improved the way we do business in this department."

The internet is expected to reduce the demands on purchasing staff who used fax machines and express mail to send bid documents. It will also reduce duplicating and postal costs.

"This is a major step forward for the purchasing department," Jarvis said. "Larry and his staff have worked hard to streamline their section, and this idea to put bids on the web page can only help bring the department the least expensive, quality products." u

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