North Carolina Department of Correction - Correction News - January 1999

Spotlight on the Franklin Sign Plant - page 4

In a darkroom-like atmosphere, Edward Dickerson holds up a water-soluble, light-sensitive ruby lith screen. Behind him is an ultra-violet light machine that exposes the film. when the film dries, it is ready for the press. The first national project he worked for the sign plant was the Cherokee Trail of Tears signs put up from Canada to New Mexico. Kevin Murphy and Matt Holloman do the graphics work on the signs. "We make what people send us," Holloman said. "Sometimes what looks like handwriting on the back of a napkin and Xeroxed is sent in." The two are also responsible for the occasional goof, such as spelling sheriff with two r's which went undetected for several months. Holloman and Murphy both take pride in their work.
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