North Carolina Department of Correction News - September 1999

Internal Audit opens three region offices

The establishment of three new regional offices is helping Internal Audit change its image. Rather than being viewed as an adversary, the staff of Internal Audit hopes managers in the field will see them as a resource.

Charles Owens, the director of Internal Audit, said several changes have been made over the past few years to help improve the way his office does business. Audits have been streamlined, putting more responsibility and control in the hands of unit managers, and a newsletter, The Proactive, has been established to detail audit findings, allowing managers the opportunity to correct problems before the auditors show up.

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Graham Pickett is the lead auditor for the Central Region.

Now with the creation of the region offices, Owens said his staff has the opportunity to further improve their relationships with region managers and staff in the field.

"We want to be much more involved and active with region management," Owens said. "We are trying to take on a role of more than just auditors – we want to be a resource people can call on. We want to work with people in the field, not against them."

Right now, Internal Audit has offices set up in three of the five regions with the oldest being in Lenoir, located in the Western Region. Two more offices recently opened up in McCain, located in the South Central Region, and in Raleigh which is located in the Central Region. In addition, Internal Audit has also established a central operations team to focus on central administrative and operational areas such as the controller’s office.

Owens said he would eventually like to see offices in all five regions as the resources become available, but stressed that until that time, the Eastern and Piedmont regions will not be overlooked.

"Our auditors cross region lines," he said. "We’ll still go where the audits are needed."

With the establishment of the regions, auditors are now able to go into a region and do a region-wide audit of a particular function such as cashless canteens instead of just doing individual audits of an entire prison. After the audit is complete, a report is given to the region director on that particular function.

"The region directors have been real good about following up on our findings," Owens said. "The key to effective auditing is having management follow up. This partnership is working real well. It’s been beneficial for the whole department."

In addition to doing audits, Owens said his staff is available to help with workshops, presentations to staff or consulting with any area. Vickie Haddock is the lead auditor for the South Central Region office and can be reached at 910-944-4735. Wayne Holliday is the lead auditor for the Western Region office, 828-757-5601, and Graham Pickett is the lead auditor for the Central Region office and can be reached at 919-733-9324. u

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