S.O.A.R. is an acronym for Sexual Offender Accountablity and Responsibility.
If you have additional questions about the program, please feel free to contact us:
Robert A. Carbo, M.S.
Psychological Services Coordinator
SOAR Program
Harnett Correctional Institution. #3805
P.O. Box 1569
Lillington, NC 27546
(910) 893-2751 ex. 315 or 370
PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY The S.O.A.R. Program was established by the North Carolina Department of Correction for the treatment of incarcerated sexual offenders. It is based on the tenets that: (1) deviant sexual behavior is learned, and (2) the treatment of sexual offenders involves learning appropriate and responsible social and sexual behavior to substitute for the inappropriate and irresponsible behavior which led to the offense. Each offender has a sexual abuse cycle which becomes It is important that the offender understand his cycle, |
Program Overview S.O.A.R. is located at Harnett Correctional Institution in Staffing Three full-time psychologists: one Mental Health Services Coordinator and two Staff Psychologist II positions; one contractual psychologist; and nine peer counselors. Criteria for Admission The offender should:
Referral Procedure The offender should meet with the unit psychologist. The psychologist will interview the offender to determine if he meets the above criteria, and then will complete a clinical assessment report. If the offender is assessed to be a suitable candidate for S.O.A.R. program participation, he is referred to the S.O.A.R. staff, who then select participants for the next S.O.A.R. group. Schedule |
Theoretical Approach: Cognitive / Behavioral In using the cycle as a conceptual framework for treatment interventions, it is important to understand that there is nothing magical about the cycle. The offender needs to understand the cycle and how each treatment modality will help him to interrupt this deviant cycle. We also need to understand that the phases of the cycle are not causal in nature. That is, events do not cause the sexually deviant behavior but the phases perpetuate the subsequent phases of the cycle in an attempt to compensate for the feelings generated by the offender?s interpretation of events in his life. In treatment we use the cycle in four ways. 1. To identify precursors. 2. To identify historical events which lead to specific thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 3. To identify daily occurrences in the offender's life which trigger specific responses. 4. To identify times and situations in which to insert appropriate coping responses. |
Modules Modules Hours Anger Management-------12 We will provide a total of approximately 300 hours of classroom instruction and 300 hours of lab time (for viewing video tapes and completion of assignments).
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