Corrections Futures…Where do we go from here?


Over the past couple of years hundreds of hours have been spent examining the future of corrections and attempting to determine how things will be different for all of us. Under the leadership of Secretary Jarvis and other DOC leaders, a Steering Committee on the future of corrections met regularly to examine issues, problems and factors that would impact on DOC employees and challenge the Department in the years ahead. A twenty-year long range plan was developed and the concept of ongoing planning was instilled as a regular function for corrections. Regional teams of DOC leaders and rank and file employees joined together to provide input to the development plan and to review new concepts. Employees would be called upon to work harder and more cooperatively with other departments within the corrections community. New opportunities would challenge DOC employees as they approached technology changes. Others with a stake in our success, judges, district attorneys, law enforcement officials, would serve as participants in the process to bolster the effort and lend support to plans for the future.


Through the long planning process prison personnel and DAPP joined together to better coordinate efforts for agencies to work together. Other employees shared in the process to enhance cooperative efforts and demonstrate that a better job can be done when people begin to work together. New relationships were forged. A spirit of cooperation prevailed. The result was a "Pathways to Corrections Future" to serve as inspiration and an orientation tool for all employees. The process culminated with a Corrections Futures Week, complete with tours, employee meetings, round table discussions on the future of corrections and demonstrations of new technology through videoconferences on the State’s Information Highway. All in all, it was a demonstration on the future of corrections with the realization that the future is now.


What lies ahead? The "Pathways to Corrections Future" will serve as a guide for the further development of the department. Planning became a part of NCDOC and will continue as an integral part of meeting the challenge of the future. Employees have been alerted that growth and development within DOC will provide many challenges and new opportunities. The employee taking advantage of training and continuing to explore new technology should prosper in personal growth and development within the department.


The videoconferences of Corrections Futures Week provide a solid base for orientation and development within the department. Material on new technology, special team training and candid responses to questions from DOC employees across the state by Secretary Jarvis, Assistant Secretaries and other leaders, provide excellent material to prepare a training and orientation film for new employees and public information on the Department. A videotape highlighting this material will be developed and should be available within a month or so for departmental use. It is anticipated that this will find regular use in the Office of Staff Development and Training. The Research and Planning Staff is reviewing options that would enable a periodic review and update to the long range plan. Annual meetings of the Steering Committee and other DOC employee and stakeholder input to the plan will be important in its long term value.