North Carolina Department of Correction
Correction News - September 1999

Spotlight on Third Shift at Southern Correctional Institution
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Officer Lisa Harris of Candor said working third shift gives her the opportunity to work all the units and learn a lot more, plus she likes the quiet atmosphere. Officer Stacey Goodwin climbs up the tower to work his four-hour shift. He has worked at two other prisons and said the third shift staff at Southern CI works closely with each other, and the work is a group effort. He said inmates have good days and bad days just like everyone else, and the smallest thing, such as not getting a letter, can set them off, so he prefers working when inmates are mostly locked down. At 10 p.m., Officers William Poole (left) and Don Boone are in the Canada unit, making their rounds, checking each cell to make sure it’s safe. They said communication is the biggest factor to safety. If they need to shake down the cells, they let the control room know.
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