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Photo Scrapbook

The public information office of the North Carolina Department of Correction has several image collections online.

2001 Inmate Art Show

Spotlight on Durham Correctional Center

1999 Correctional Officers Memorial Service

Community Corrections Judicial District 15 A

North Carolina observes National Crime Victims Rights Week

Theodis Beck takes oath of office to become Correction Secretary

Spotlight on Hyde Correctional Institution

Fatheread teaches inmate fathers to read to their children

Prisoners renovate space at Wayne Correctional Center for medical services

Spotlight on the Franklin Sign Plant

Spotlight on Carteret Correctional Center

Spotlight on Randolph Correctional Center

Polk Youth Institution opens High Security Maximum Control Unit

Southern Correctional Institution inmates make blankets

Prisoners renovate and expand Old Fort police station

Dan River work squads take down fence at old Polk

Hurricane Bonnie tire clean up

Pasquotank Correctional Institution prisoners clean up after Hurricane Bonnie

Hurricane Bonnie clean up in Burgaw

Probation officers and Raleigh police join in community policing

North Carolina Division of Prisons Honor Guard

Prisoners make T-shirts

N.C. Correctional Institution for Women dental lab

Forsyth work crew cleans up after tornado in Clemmons

Dan River Prison Work Farm Squads Clean Up After tornado

Inmates Build Prisons Tyrrell Prison Work Farm

Inmates Build Prisons Dan River Prison Work Farm

1998 Winter Storm Clean up

1997 Inmate Art Show

Correctional officers visit state fairs to meet the public

ABC News reports from Eastern Correctional Institution

IMPACT - take a look at North Carolina's inmate boot camp program

Central Prison--license tag plant

All In A Day's Work--N.C. Correctional Institution for Women

Greene Correctional Center--A day with the community work squad

Polk Youth Institution the new prison at Butner

Polk Youth Institution Pre-Cast Concrete Construction

Polk Youth Institution, the old prison in Raleigh

Black Mountain Correction Center for Women Activities Center Dedication

Warren Correctional Institution Dedication

Dan River Prison Work Farm

Hyde Correctional Center Dedication

Tour Central Prison

Prison staff and inmates volunteer to rehabilitate Raleigh home

Craven Correctional Institution dedicated

After Fran--Inmates Cleanup Near Hillsborough

Officers Clean Up School Grounds After Hurricane

After Fran -- Inmates Cleanup Schoolyards

After Fran -- Inmates Cleanup Beaches

Prison cage -- A Piece of History

Inmates washing school buses

Inmates work in tobacco fields

Cleaning up after Hurricane Bertha

Preparing lunch for 350

Inmates work at the state prison farm.

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